Monday, September 3, 2018

VDML for Business Architects: Part 7 of 11, Accountability

Please see the post for VDML for Business Architects: Part 1 of 11, for the introduction to this series of posts.  This part describes how VDML represents the accountability of people and organizations for the management and operation of the business.
1.    Collaboration accountability

Collaborations are the context for all work of the enterprise and interactions with customers and business partners.  Participants in collaborations are accountable for their roles in collaboration activities and organization units in which they are assigned to positions.  Collaborations generally will have a leader/manager role that carries primary responsibility for the overall performance of the collaboration.
2.    Value contribution accountability

Value contributions including cost, timeliness, quality/defects are attributed to capability methods and their activities that are associated with organization units that apply and/or are responsible for the implementation, staffing and improvement of those capability methods.
3.    Accountability to multiple value streams

VDML value streams trace the values of value propositions back to their sources of value.  Conversely, the values of a single activity or capability method can have an impact on multiple value streams.  Both dimensions are important for understanding the impact of changes, particularly for shared capability methods.
4.    Personnel and resource accountability

Organization units are the focus of operational management of the application of capabilities (capability methods).  As such, they have primary responsibility for staffing those capability methods and ensuring availability of the resources required to perform those methods.  Value stream analysis and comparison to actual performance or benchmarks provide a basis for holding specific organization units responsible for their performance.
5.    Policy compliance accountability (proposed VDML extension)

A directory of regulations, policies and requirements must identify the capabilities and activities where compliance must be enforced by the associated organization units.  In some cases this is a matter of monitoring measurements, and in other cases, it involves reporting of oversight/monitoring activities.
6.    Accountability for objectives (proposed VDML extension)

Objectives are elements for monitoring measurements toward a target.  An objective may monitor a single measurement or a complex of measurements, including dependence on completion of other objective(s).  An objective is linked to the responsible organization unit or organizational role.  And the overseeing organization unit or role.  Reporting methods must provide displays of selected sets of objectives of interest to the organization units or roles involved.
7.    Accountability for transformation contribution(s) (proposed VDML extension)

Each phase of a transformation plan identifies the capability methods and/or activities that must be changed, added or deleted.  These are linked to the organization units responsible for the development/acquisition of method/activity design, personnel and acquisition of resources. and implementation.  These provide the basis for setting objectives for the currently pending transformation phase.
8.    Capability performance accountability

Performance of a value chain stage (ref. Michael Porter) is the responsibility of the organization unit responsible for the collaboration or capability method(s) that compose that stage—generally responsibility for the specific stage of a line of business.  The value streams of that stage identify the contributions and thus the performance of capability methods recursively engaged to support that value chain stage.
Many of these capability methods are shared with other lines of business and value streams, and they may not be in the same management chain.  Thus, each capability method is responsible to the users of its services and the operations that consume its deliverables in addition to the organization that manages the capability method operation, resources and the people that perform its roles.  The VDML model represents all these relationships and supports measurement of the dependencies and the impact of changes.

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